When patients are about to be admitted into a hospital, every single minute of the experience that lies ahead is weighing on their minds. The bed that they will use when they are there is very important. For labor and delivery, a specialized bed known as a birthing bed is used to ensure safety and comfort for both mom and baby when the magical moment is about to arrive.

Find a Bed With Multiple Sections

A bed with multiple sections in it is an ideal hospital bed when patients are about to have a child. For a birthing bed in your organization, you want a bed that has a number of different sections, or at least two sections. An upper section that can move up and down, and a lower section that can recline or serve as a platform is an ideal childbirth bed.

A good birthing bed can be split into multiple sections. A bed with an upper section that can be either upright or semi-reclined will bring a lot of comforts. A good bed for labor and delivery will also provide optional features for bringing up the platform during delivery or flattening it if the patient wants to put their feet on the floor during the delivery.

Use Beds With Add-Ons To Provide Comfort

Some hospital beds that are used for labor and delivery come with bars that can be attached to the bed for squatting for comfort or pushing purposes. These bars will adjust so that the patient can relax in between contractions or pushes when delivering or laboring a birth. The bar is held onto with the arms while mom squats or rests with their arms on the bar. This is just one example of an add-on that many hospital beds for labor and delivery can use today to make delivery safer and more comfortable for mom and the baby.

Include Other Features In Your Hospital Beds

When you are looking for hospital beds for childbirth beds, look for beds with as many features as possible in your budget. Other notable features for birthing include features such as controls so that mom can handle this on her own but I don’t even know if this is possible given the circumstances. Sections for skooching or patient movement for comfort are also important. Adjustability is also important in footrests, stirrups, and other areas of the hospital or birthing bed.

Put Patients First

Today, not all hospital beds or even beds for labor and delivery are created equal. You want beds that will bring your patients comfort, maximize their safety, and also maximize yours and that of your staff when they are tending to their needs. It is estimated that over 2.5 million hospital and nursing home beds are being used at home across the nation. When you are looking for a good hospital bed for your organization, make sure to put the patient’s needs first.

Put patients’ thoughts first and finding a good birthing or hospital bed will be easily done within budget every time. Contact Piedmont Medical Inc. for more information!